Yamaha Outboard Fuel Line Size: Everything You Need to Know

What’s the Yamaha outboard fuel line size? Well, they come in two sizes. The fuel line is either 5/16 inches or 3/8 inches. However, knowing these numbers isn’t enough. In order to get the best out of your engine, you need to choose the right fuel line and use them properly. Most importantly, you have to understand what these fractions mean. How do you get to know that? This article has the answer. Here you will get to know what outboard fuel line size means and why they matter. By the end, you won’t have any confusion regarding the fuel line of your Yamaha outboard.

What is The Yamaha Outboard Fuel Line Size?

Under a question related to the fuel line size of the Yamaha outboard on thehulltruth.com, lost since commented, 

“Usually, the hose size is 3/8 inches.”

While this is true, this size greatly differs depending on your purpose. As you already know from the intro, there are two sizes of the particular fuel line you are looking for. These are 3/8 inches and 5/16 inches. These numbers mainly refer to the diameter of the fuel line. In other words, it indicates the fuel lines’ width.

According to this table from inchcalculator.com, 3/8” mean 9.5mm. Similarly, 5/16” mean 7.9mm. 

As you can see, 3/8” is bigger in size compared to 5/16”. This difference in size creates a difference in their usage as well. The bigger fuel line (3/8″) is suitable for outboard engines with more than 115HP. Anything below this is the job for a 5/16″ fuel line. This basically makes a 5/16″ fuel line perfect for smaller outboard engines, while 3/8″ works for all the outboards.

But why’s this difference?

The hose size of the 5/16″ one is smaller. As a result, less amount of fuel can pass through the line. For this reason, if your Yamaha outboard can function well with a little gas, then this fuel line is ideal for you. The perk here is the fuel economy. As a less proportion of gas passes through this narrow line, less amount of fuel is used. However, this also means you won’t get heavy power from the engine. 

On the other hand, if your outboard needs a larger amount of fuel, then 3/8″ is the option to opt for. Its wide tunnel will allow a significant amount of gas to pass through. This is why 3/8” is perfect for bigger, stronger engines. Although this option sucks in too much fuel, it’s better. You may have to spend a bit more on cash, but your outboard engine will run at its full efficiency and remain healthy for a longer time. With this fuel line, you can achieve 6000 RPM. You can’t do that with a 5/16″ hose. The fuel pressure will strain the fuel pump and damage the engine.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long should outboard fuel lines be?

The ideal length of the fuel line is 6 inches.

What is the max horsepower 3/8” fuel line supports?

A 3/8” fuel line can easily support up to 600HP.

Is a longer fuel line good?

Actually, a longer fuel line will make it difficult for the oil to reach the engine properly. In other words, the shorter the fuel line, the better.


Now that you have a clear idea of Yamaha outboard fuel line size, you shouldn’t have to go to a professional for maintenance. Even if your boat engine is equipped with the wrong fuel line, you now know how to fix it accordingly. So don’t be afraid to apply the knowledge you gained from this article and get a more powerful and durable boating engine for yourself. 

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