Yamaha 150 Outboard Trim And Tilt Problems [Reasons + Solutions]

The trim and tilt unit is the outboard engine system’s most crucial part. Whenever the unit’s electrical, mechanical or hydraulic system fails, you may experience various Yamaha 150 outboard trim and tilt problems.

Usually, a leak in the seal, pipe, or engine system can cause hydraulic and mechanical issues. In contrast, failed relays, defective switches, malfunctioning motors, or wire corrosion lead to an electrical hitch.

However, throughout this troubleshooting guide, we will explain Yamaha’s most common trim and tilt problems and how to inspect and diagnose them. So, don’t waste time and read this guide till the end!

What Does Yamaha 150 Outboard Trim & Tilt Do?

The trim and tilt unit enables your boat to optimize its performance by adjusting the engine’s angle. In addition, the power trim and tilt unit on your outboard during operation changes the thrust angle. Thus it ensures your boat and outboard’s maximum performance.

Also, it adjusts the running surface on boats. As a result, under different conditions, this unit improves your boat’s performance.

Outboard Trim & Tilt Types

The tilt and trim system’s two main types are:

  • Older System: Use the electric tilt motor with the worm gear and other mechanical lifting devices.
  • Hydraulic/Electric System: Contains 3 major parts, including a small hydraulic pump, 12-volt electric motor, and assembly/reservoir unit.

Whether the trim and tilt type is an older or electric system, if it faces any problems, you can resolve them following this troubleshooting guide. So, keep reading.

Yamaha 150 Outboard Trim And Tilt Problems & Solutions

Before directly jumping to the discussion, let’s take a look at the following table below to know what are the apparent trim & tilt issues. Also, shortly you will get to know what you should do to get rid of these troubles:

Trim & Tilt ProblemsSolutions
Trim or tilt the ram’s leaky sealCheck and change the actual rams with the seals
Leaky PipeReplace the trim unit’s bottom leaky pipe
Malfunctioning electric trim motorReplace the motor
Corroded or Broken WireInspect and replace the bad wire connection
Inadequate Fluid levelCheck and ensure the adequate fluid level
Faulty Switches & RelayInspect and replace lousy relay and switch

Hopefully, now you get a clear insight into what type of hitches your Yamaha 150 outboard trim & tilt can go through. Now below, we will explain all these in detail. So be with us!

Why Is Your Yamaha Outboard Trim & Tilt Stops Working? [Easy Troubleshooting Tips]

As we already mentioned that your Yamaha 150 trim and tilt system could go through all these above problems. And thus, the troubleshooting will be different depending on the issue types. Actually, how severe the hitch is, depending on this, the resolving process will be sequential.

Most people make the common mistake of letting go of their trim system with general problems. But this really hampers the engine systems the most. When you let go of your trim & tilt system, even with a tiny fault, the unit simply stops trimming up as it runs out of fluid. And thus engine gets stuck in the unusual down position like in the picture below.

So, here the first troubleshooting step is to raise the stuck engine. To raise the engine, simply follow the steps below:

  • First, release the unit’s pressure.
  • Every trim system contains a screw. Crack the manual and release those screwsPick up the engine with some sort of lift or with the help of friends.
  • Then fill the fluid in the system and trim the engine again.

Filling fluid in the system will let you know a couple of things, including whether the motor is non-functioning or not. Also, you will get to know whether there is any leak or not.

Trim & Tilt’s Electrical Side’s Troubleshooting

When you see your Yamaha tilt trim leaking down or the motor is not running, you must troubleshoot the unit’s electrical side. To find out whether it’s an electrical issue or not, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Find the green and blue wires up to the engine, as shown in the picture. Then check these two wires and the battery voltage.

Step 2: After hitting the trim button, when you see no power, then be sure it’s an electrical problem. But if there is power, try to run another bulge pump-type unit.

Step 3: If the pump runs from these blue and green wires, that means there is enough voltage and amperage. And it indicates that the trim system’s motor is not functioning.

Outboard Trim & Tilt Electrical Issues

To figure out the trim & tilt’s electrical hitches, you have to check out some devices individually. However, the electrical problem can come from the following aspects:

1. Failed Relay

So, the first thing that creates electrical trouble in your trim & tilt system is the malfunctioning relay. Whether the relay failed or not to know it, we recommend you test it. Usually, a relay becomes defective due to bad ground, blown fuse, broken wire, or the relay itself is faulty.

Without testing the unit and without knowing how the entire trim/tilt system and relay work, fixing it is really difficult. However, we will guide you on how you can test the relay. After checking the unit, if you find it is not working, then Yamaha trim relay replacement is the prime solution.

Relay Testing Instructions

As we already mentioned about the green and blue wires that go up into the system’s engine, you need to follow them. These two wires go directly to the relay on most of Yamaha’s trim and tilt systems. Now to test the relay, follow the actions below:

  • Disconnect the green and blue wires. Then using a voltmeter, ensure whether 12v DC is present there or not.
  • After hitting the up/down trim button, if there is no voltage, then the unit will not respond.
  • Then following the wiring from the relay up into the system, using the meter figure out the voltage losing point. Check out where the voltage is losing, or from where the power is not coming.

After checking, if you find the relay is bad and there is no voltage or power in the unit, then you must replace the relay.

2. Electric Trim Motor Malfunction

After checking the relay, if you find it is working perfectly. And there is enough voltage and amperage, it gives something else indications. Actually, it gives you the sign that the trim system’s motor is not functioning. If the electric trim motor doesn’t work and the unit fails, you must replace it.

3. Corroded or Broken Wire Connection

Another electrical issue with your Yamaha outboard trim and tilt is that the unit’s wiring connection is broken or corroded. And thus, your tilt and trim system is not functioning. So, if you find your trim motor and relay are working fine, we recommend you check the wire connection.

And replace the broken or corroded wire. If you are not mechanically inclined enough, we recommend you contact an electrician to deal with the wire to avoid risk.

4. Faulty Switch

The defective switch on your Yamaha outboard trim & tilt system is another source of electrical troubles. The Yamaha trim switch not working means the entire unit will stop functioning. So check it and replace the bad one if required.  

Outboard Trim & Tilt Hydraulic & Mechanical Issues

Along with the electrical issues, you need to troubleshoot your Yamaha outboard trim & tilt system’s hydraulic and mechanical problems. However, finding the unit’s hydraulic difficulties is a little tricky.

Usually, Yamaha outboard trim and tilt hydraulic problems come from the system’s leaky seal, pipe, and inadequate fluid level. Thus the simple solution is to fix the leak wherever it is. So, let’s discuss these in detail:

1. Leaky Seal

There is a leaky seal on the trim or tilt rams, and it’s the simple reason for your trim & tilt unit’s hydraulic trouble. Pitting in the rams (1 tilt ram and 2 trim rams) destroy the seals and cause a leak in the system.

Or seals become non-functioning due to cracking or becoming drily rotted. Also, seals can tear up due to grime accumulation on it. Thus, to fix this hitch, you need to replace the actual rams and seals.

Yamaha says,

“Grease gets wiped or rubbed off and washed down all the time, and you’ll know when the rams are dry because they tend to rub or create friction when raising and lowering the motor. You’ll know, too, when you hear a kind of a screeching sound, which is the metal of the rams rubbing against the base.”

2. Leaky Pipe

In the trim & tilt systems, one of the common issues is the leaky pipe. On the trim unit’s bottom, you will find a pipe. Usually, the pipe leaks gets broken, cracks, or simply has rust build-up. And thus, the pipe’s malfunction caused an issue with the entire trim system. So, the simple solution is to check and replace it if required.

[Note: Whether the leak is in the pipe or seal, if it is left for a long time, it will ultimately cause internal damage. So, check the system’s internal components, springs, valves, passages, etc. Once any rust or corrosion builds in it, take action immediately.]

If you have enough experience or are comfortable doing the repair work yourself, you can disassemble the unit using the tools. Then check each part, clean and replace them if required. Otherwise, you will face problems with your Yamaha outboard trim & tilt unit.

3. Inadequate fluid level

After doing all these above jobs and diagnosing the entire system, hopefully, you will find and resolve all the problems. But first, you must check your Yamaha trim tilt fluid capacity and ensure adequate fluid level. If the fluid level is insufficient, you require to refill the unit.

How To Fill Your Yamaha Trim & Tilt Unit

Filling your Yamaha trim & tilt is pretty simple.

  • Before refilling the unit, drain the water from the fluid to fix it.
  • Now fill it up to the maximum level and put it back together.
  • Then press the up/down button on the trim after placing the unit back together.

However, fill the unit continuously until fluid comes out from where you are filling it.

When your Yamaha trim and tilt fluid starts to come out, go ahead and put the cup back on the fill port. And then up and down, run the trim unit. When the unit trims to the maximum level, then go ahead and close it off. For a couple of times again, run your trim up and down. Then for the final time, top it off.

[Note: The unit can get air locked and refuse to trim. So, in this case, go ahead and lose the manual relief screws. This will help the engine to come down slowly and, through all the passages, forces the fluid. Then again, tighten the screws and up & down the trim once more. Doing all these will fix the airlock hitch.]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why will my boat motor trim down but not up?

When your boat motor doesn’t raise, trim down only, or won’t stay trimmed, there is enough possibility that there are issues with the valve body assembly or hydraulic pump.

How do you bleed a hydraulic tilt trim pump?

Loosen the hydraulic motor lines using the adjustable wrench. Below each loosened line set the plastic bucket for catching the leaked oil. Now remove the reservoir’s top cap and open the hydraulic reservoir. Then several times, operate the tilt/trim control.

Final Words

Hopefully, after going through this comprehensive article, you now have a crystal clear idea of your Yamaha 150 Outboard trim and tilt problems. If you experience any of these electrical or hydraulic troubles with your trim & tilt system, you will be able to fix it by yourself by following our suggested ways.

However, if you have any queries on Yamaha 150 outboard system, let us know in the comment section. ASAP our expert will reply to you.

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