How Often Do You Change the Oil In a Yamaha 4 Stroke Outboard? Here’s the Detailed Explanation

Do you know that an outboard engine works harder than a car engine? It might not sound convincing, but it is a fact. Now, you might wonder how often to change oil in Yamaha 4-stroke outboard, right? If so, then you are at the right place, as this article will enlighten you with the proper answer.

The answer to your query is that to maintain a 4-stroke Yamaha outboard; you need to change the oil every 100 hours. However, in the case of a brand-new Yamaha outboard, things can differ.

Now, to get a clear understanding of the topic, you have to dig the topic deeper. Luckily, you do not have to wander from one article to another as I have gathered everything that you need to know about Yamaha outboard’s oil change.

How Often Do You Need To Change the Yamaha 4-Stroke Outboard? Explained!

Oil is like the lifeblood of your engine. You know that a human body can’t last long if the human blood gets poisonous. So, just like this, an outboard motor cannot also sustain longer if the old oil remains inside the motor for a long time. Because the oil starts getting acidic, which later damages the internal part of the engine.

So, to avoid such unexpected damage, Yamaha Suggests changing the oil of your boat’s engine after every 50-100 hours of operation.

Now, your question is, “How often to change oil in Yamaha 4-stroke outboard?” The specific answer to this question is 100 hours of every operation.

However, in the case of a new Yamaha outboard, the timing of changing the oil is different. For a new outboard, Yamaha prescribes changing the oil after 20 hours of setting up the engine. The reason behind this shorter hour is to make the engine components active from their factory seat.

Remember, it is crucial to maintain the exact frequency level of changing oil. Because changing oil frequently fights off engine breakdowns and increases its longevity.

Note: Check the owner’s manual of your outboard to know the exact interval time of changing the oil.

Why Is it Important To Change Oil So Frequently?

Many people do not understand the importance of changing the outboard’s oil on a regular basis. People often think they will change the oil whenever they get time, but little do they know that it will damage the outboard’s motor.

Also, it is common for people not to change the oil if their outboard is used occasionally. But it is a grave mistake not to replace the 4-stroke Yamaha’s outboard oil after a specific time. You must keep in mind that it is vital to change the oil if you do not use the outboard often.

Now, do you know what might be the reason behind it? Do not panic if you don’t know the reason. Because I am here to guide you with the right information! Here we go:

For Better Engine Health

You should never compromise the engine’s health of your 4-stroke Yamaha outboard. The maintenance of the machine is essential for its longevity. Now, when you habitually do not change the oil in due time, residual acid is formed as oil tends to change its format over time.

The acid formed from the old oil remains in the engine’s crankcase. Then, the acid and moisture will gradually trench the different engine parts. So, to prevent the oil from turning acidic and destroying the internal part of the engine, you must change the oil.

To Make the Engine Run Smoother

When you run the engine with old oil, the engine will run but will not run smoother. You will face problems while running the engine. Moreover, it also might happen that your boat’s engine will stop in the middle of the sea. But fresh oil on the engine will never let you down. Remember, the engine will treat you the best if you maintain it well.

So, replacing the engine’s oil is one of the vital work that you can’t skip. New and fresh oil will not only make your engine durable but will also make the engine run smoother.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can you use car oil in a 4-stroke outboard?

It is normal to think that car oil and marine oil is interchangeable as they carry out the same function. However, you cannot use car oil in a 4-stroke outboard because of the water. The water causes corrosion, and to handle this corrosion, the marine engine requires different oil than car oil.

How long can 4-stroke oil last?

The expiry date of the oil depends on the brands. Different brands have different dates of expiry. However, most standard oil brands usually have a storage life of 5 years. If the expiry date is not written on the bottle, try to use the oil within 2-5 years of the date of manufacture.

Should you run outboard before changing the oil?

It is best to run your outboard for a few minutes before changing the oil. If you do so, it will help in lowering the viscosity of the oil and suspending the contaminants.

Final Words

By now, you must have got the answer to your question, “How often to change oil in Yamaha 4 stroke outboard?” Now you know the correct interval for changing the oil for both the old and new outboards. I hope you will be able to maintain a longer engine life by changing the oil of your 4-stroke outboard timely.

Remember, whether you use the outboard or not, for the maintenance of the engine, it is a must to change the oil frequently. Or else, you will find that your Yamaha outboard has worn down before its expected expiry date.

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