Mercury Outboard Power Trim Relay Location: Why It Is Important?
Are you having trouble operating the motor of your outboard? If so, you must check the power trim relay of your outboard. Because a faulty relay might be the reason behind the failure in the tilt and trim system, which leads to problems in operating the motor. To solve the motor operating problem, knowing the Mercury outboard power trim relay location is a must.
In short, you will find the power trim relay of the mercury outboard on the starboard side of the motor. By unscrewing some wires, you can finally get to the power trim relay of your outboard.
For a deeper understanding of the power trim relay’s location on your Mercury outboard, stick with us till the end of this article.
Where The Power Trim Relay is located
As said before, the mercury outboard power trim relay location is on the motor’s starboard side. Now, do you know where the starboard is? If not, have no worries at all. I am here to guide you in locating the power trim relay on your mercury outboard.
To find the power trim relay, spot the bow of your boat. Next, face towards the bow and move to the right side. That right side of the boat is the starboard, where you will find the power trim relay.
Why It Is Important To Know The Location Of the Power Trim Relay
Whenever there is a motor problem with your outboard, as a boat owner, the problem might feel worse than a headache to you. So, the quicker you solve the problem, the earlier you get relief. There are some problems with the outboard, which you can solve by yourself if you can locate the power trim relay.
Now, before we jump into why it is vital to know the relay’s location, let me briefly explain a power trim relay. In short, the primary role of a power trim relay is to switch the current on and off that goes to the tilt trim motor.
So, the power relay plays a vital role in operating the outboard motor. If something happens to the power relay, the motor will not get enough power. Also, faulty relays can crash the whole tilt and trim system.
Hence, whenever you notice that the outboard motor is not operating properly, the first thing you should check is the power trim relay. If the power trim relay is damaged, you can easily replace the relay with a new one and operate your outboard smoothly. So, to change the power trim relay for fixing your outboard, you must know its location.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The most common problem of a faulty relay is sudden outboard stalls while operating. The motor will stop suddenly in the middle of the river or sea.
To bypass the trim switch, press the UP/OUT and the UP switch simultaneously. Pressing these switches at the same time lets the current bypass or flow through the trim switch.
Final Words
That is all about the Mercury outboard power trim relay location. Now that you know where the power trim relay is located, you can easily find and replace it without a mechanic’s help. Hopefully, this will save both your time and money.
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