The Complete Johnson Evinrude Link and Sync Procedure: 6 Simple Steps

Are the link and sync procedures the same for all the outdrives? Well, more or less, yes. However, things can get difficult for you if you don’t know about the process recommended for your machine. Fortunately, if you have been looking for the Johnson Evinrude link and sync procedure, the task is now a piece of cake. Just follow the 6 simple steps discussed in this article, and you should have no problem getting your work done within an hour, and that too at home. 

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get to it. 

6 Simple Steps of Johnson Evinrude Link and Sync Procedure

A user wanted to know how to link and sync Johnson Evinrude in the iBoats forum. In the answer, j_martin commented, 

It’s the sequence of adjustments, in the correct order, to set up the timing and carburetion on the engine. Get a manufacturer’s maintenance manual. It’s in there.”

Yes, the answer you are looking for is certainly in the user manual. But it can be troublesome to understand the formal instructions inscribed there. This is why we have simplified the entire process. Check it here below,

Step 1: Make the necessary preparations

Before starting the process, you have to make sure everything is in the right condition. Firstly, check the timing light cylinder and ensure its proper health. Then see if the battery is charged up enough to keep the engine running. And then see if there is sufficient gas in the tank. The timing light needs to be rightly functioning as well. 

Now turn the engine off, and disconnect the throttle cable. In the next stage, close the butterflies in the carbs. They have to be closed all the way. 

Finally, remove all the plugs except for the first one. The timing light needs to be hooked here.

Step 2: Adjust the throttle

Once the throttle is in the idle position, retard the ignition and close the idle properly. The amount of retardation of the engine determines the idle speed. 

Step 3: Pickup of the throttle

Wait for the throttle to advance. As the timing passes the TDC, the first minor pickup will hit and start, opening the carbs. The timing light needs to be utilized to adjust the trigger screw. 

Let the throttle advance continuously. This will open up the carbs slowly a bit more. At this point, the next adjustment will be the last one. Wait till the trigger gets to its max advance level.

Step 4: Wait for the further throttle

Immediately after reaching the final throttle, the carbs should open to the fullest. Leave the throttle cable disconnected and keep the boat on the water. The boat should be deep enough to run properly on the water. Have someone crank the outboard while operating the choke and the throttle. Continue doing it till the engine reaches 1500 RPMs. 

Step 5: Adjust the idle screw

Once the outboard gets warm enough, adjust the idle screw to 800 RPM. Modify the idle needles one at a time and wait for the motor to stumble while you do it. Back out 1 or 2 turns from stumbling to save yourself the trouble of re-start. 

Adjust all the idle screws in this way.

Your goal here is to reset the idle to about 700 to 800 RPMs out of gear and 500 – 600 RPM in gear. You may not always get the right reading. So, wait a while between the adjustments and check the reading frequently to ensure the RPM is accurate.

Step 6: Adjust the throttle cable

You are almost there. Now you have to adjust the throttle cable and set the shifter in the neutral position. 

Now give the boat a try and see if it sails correctly on water. If there is no result, adjust all the idle screws ¼ turn at a time. Keep turning the screws till you get a hole shot.

This Video Will Help You Too!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why does my outboard shake?

Your outboard shakes probably because your boat’s propeller is damaged, loose, or obstructed.

Why is my outboard stalling at idle?

Usually, a bad carburetor is behind a stalling outboard.

Why does my boat start but not stay?

The reason here is probably a faulty airflow sensor. Dirt coagulated on the sensor can be the culprit as well.


The truth is, the Johnson Evinrude link and sync procedure is not the simplest. But, if you are aware of the right steps, it shouldn’t be difficult at all. Just make sure to apply all the points mentioned here properly. A little mistake can prove to be heavy if you are not careful enough. So, stay cautious and get your boat sailing smoothly again.

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