Where is The Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid Located? [Answered]

Where is the torque converter clutch solenoid located? You can usually find it between the transmission and the engine’s rear.

However, car models can have different torque converter clutch (TCC) solenoid positions. The placement determines how you can access the component.

So, where’s it and how can you get your hands near it? This article will help you out with these answers. 

Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid Location and How To Reach It

By now, you probably got a basic idea of the solenoid. But the mentioned location may not be the right one for all the different car models out there.

If you want to get access to the clutch solenoid in your car, check out the details below.

But before that, here’s a quick look at the locations of some of the popular car models.

Car ModelLocation
Hyundai8th solenoid valve body on the engine
NissanUnder the transmission in the valve body
FordInside the transmission on the main control body
Toyota CorollaBetween the front of the transmission and rear of the engine
Jeep WranglerSide of the valve body in the transmission

Where Is The Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid In Hyundai

Hyundai TCC is on the engine. The solenoid is the 8th one in the valve body.

The transmission’s valve body is situated inside the oil pan at the bottom side of the case. Take a peek there, and you should find the solenoid you were looking for there.

Where Is The Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid In Nissan

The clutch solenoid valve in Nissan is under the transmission of the valve body.

Again, just take a look beneath the valve body, and the solenoid should be there.

Where Is The Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid In Ford

Ford F150 converter clutch solenoid location is the inside part of the transmission on the main control body.

To get to this, you have to remove the screws holding the double solenoid pack first. Now, drain out all the fluid and take off the pan. Take off the harness as well. Now the TCC is in front of you. Removing the 10mm head screw will allow you to remove the TCC as well.

Where Is The Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid In Toyota Corolla

Toyota Corolla has a TCC in the traditional spot between the transmission and the rear part of the engine.

Expose the transmission of your Toyota Corolla and locate the TCC solenoid. In this case, the torque converter is right there on the transmission.

Where Is The Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid In Jeep Wrangler

The clutch converter solenoid in Jeep Wrangler is positioned on the side of the transmission’s valve body.

Expose the valve body first, then look at the right side facing it. The solenoid should be there on the right-hand side, opposite the converter clutch solenoid connectors.

How To Access the Transmission

You have probably noticed that although the torque converter clutch solenoids are located in different spots in different cars, the common location is near the transmission. In other words, reaching the transmission means you are near the TCC.

But how do you access the transmission?

Usually, the transmission itself is located right underneath the engine. It’s supposed to be mounted on one side and level with the oil pan. This is in the case of front-wheel cars like the Toyota Corolla.

On the other hand, the transmission of rear-wheel-drive cars, such as Ford, is positioned right behind the engine. The spot is generally under the dashboard area. 

Apart from this, there aren’t pretty much any other locations. However, if you still can’t find the transmission, take a look at your car’s manual or search it on google. It’s nothing hard to locate.

A Helpful Tutorial You May Need!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you check a TCC solenoid?

You can perform a full checkup of a TCC solenoid by examining the five parts: stator, turbine, clutch, impeller pump, turbine, clutch, and fluid.

How do I know if my TCC is bad?

The most common sign of bad TCC is shuddering cars. In fact, the car can even slip into overdrive.


You probably already know where is the torque converter clutch solenoid located. As just knowing the location is not enough, you have also got to know how to access these points as well.

Now you shouldn’t have any problem working with the torque converter of your car. Just keep the tools near hand and you are good to go.

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