Johnson Outboard Fuel Filter Location: Learn Exactly Where it Is
A clogged fuel filter in an outboard results in poor performance of the engine. The engine won’t be able to handle higher acceleration and will sputter. Now, the only solution is to change the fuel filter. But many people are not aware of the location of a fuel filter. Are you also unable to find the Johnson outboard fuel filter location? If so, then get your answer just here in this article!
Simply answered, you can find the fuel filter of a Johnson outboard in a fuel line that is located between the fuel pump and the fuel tank. All you have to do is observe the fuel line and keep following it until you find the inline fuel filter.
Now, if you are interested in knowing more about an outboard’s fuel filter, continue reading the article.
What Is A Fuel Filter And Where is Its Exact Location
A fuel filter is a device that refines all the dirt from the fuel so that engine can receive dirt-free clean fuel. Mainly, the bottom of a fuel tank consists of sediment or debris. So, if the fuel is not filtered, the sediments will clog the carburetor and the fuel injectors.
Hence, a fuel filter is essential for maintaining better engine performance. Because the carburetor, fuel injector, and engine are interconnected. If the carburetor gets clogged, it will also affect the engine’s performance. So, you must be careful regarding the replacement of the fuel filter.
It is crucial to replace the fuel filter whenever it gets clogged. Because a clogged fuel filter means a layer of debris on the filter, and with this layer, the fuel cannot pass through properly. So, you must replace the fuel filter of a johnson outboard every six months.
However, if you notice an intense layer of debris before the changing period of six months, you should replace it immediately. So, if needed you can change the fuel filter at any time. There is no need to maintain any timeline strictly.
Now, talking about the location, the Johnson Outboard Fuel Filter Location can be anywhere near the engine. The only way to locate the fuel filter is to pay attention to the fuel line that is connected to the entering line of the engine. So, by following the fuel line, you will be able to locate the fuel filter of your Johnson outboard.
Why You Need To Know The Location Of The Fuel Filter
We already know what a fuel filter is and where it is located. Moreover, we also know that we must know the location of the fuel filter to change or replace the filter over time. Now, besides replacing the fuel filter, there is another important reason why it is really vital to know the exact position of your outboard’s oil filter.
Do you have any idea what can be the reason? Well, the reason is for the daily inspection of fuel filters. As an outboard owner, your job is not limited to replacing the fuel filter in time. Besides replacing, you must inspect and drain the fuel filter of your outboard daily.
It is necessary to check the water bowl of your fuel filter regularly, and you must drain off the polluted water if the bowl is full. You should not delay this work because if the water fills the bowl completely, then it will become vague and more challenging to distinguish from gasoline.
Now, do you know how to inspect this water and whether it is ready to get drained? If not, then do not panic at all because this article will provide you with the proper guidance. Firstly, drain off about a half cup of water.
Then check the container or bowl and try to find whether there are big clear drops of water on the base part. Next, if you find clear drops of water, then keep draining off until there is a single drop of water left.
That is all! Isn’t the method easier than you thought? Now, you will be able to inspect and drain away the contaminant water from the bowl of your fuel filter.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Once a fuel filter gets clogged due to debris and other contaminants, it is impossible for a filter to unclog itself. The only way to unclog the fuel filter is to clean or replace the filter yourself. Now, sometimes the fuel filter can knock off loose sediments, but it won’t be of any help.
A clogged fuel filter means that the fuel or the gasoline will not be able to pass through the filter efficiently. Due to insufficient fuel, the outboard engine will not work properly. Moreover, a fuel pump must work harder to balance the load. This extra load or pressure leads to damage to a fuel pump.
While running through marine vessels, a fuel tank gets contaminated with several things. For example, sludge, bacterial growth, water debris, etc., come in contact with the fuel tank. This contamination of different types of sediments dampens the tank and creates a layer of debris. Gradually, those sediments clog the fuel filter while fuel passes through the filter.
Final Words
Finding a fuel filter is not a tough job at all. Now that you know where the Johnson Outboard Fuel Filter Location is, you can easily find and replace it. Just follow the filter line situated between the fuel tank and the pump to find the fuel filter of your outboard. Hopefully, after reading this article, you no longer have to struggle with finding the fuel filter location.
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