Edge Cts2 Monitor Touch Screen Not Working- Discover Possible Causes & Fixing!

Getting tired of thinking about why the Edge cts2 monitor touch screen not working? There are various reasons that lead to the unresponsiveness of the touch screen. The most common one is a technical malfunction which gets solved by a simple reboot. 

Then there are some serious issues as well which require expert’s attention. In this article, we will look at the most common reasons behind the Edge cts2 monitor’s touch screen unresponsiveness. 

Fixing Edge Cts2 Monitor Touch Screen Not Working

Let’s start with a quick table of all the possible reasons and their solutions.

Probable Causes Possible Fixes 
Technical Malfunction Rebooting the monitor can work
Disconnected Ribbon CableThe cable needs to be connected 
A new update has come Needs to be updated
Software errorNeeds to be inspected by Experts
Physical damageMost of the time, replacement is the only way

Here are some of the most common reasons why your Edge CTS2 monitor touch screen isn’t working. Apart from the mentioned ones, there might be other reasons as well, and in those cases, it would be best to get the monitor checked by an expert mechanic. Or Edge’s customer service center will be the best option.

Technical Malfunction 

If you suddenly find the vehicle monitor touch isn’t working, don’t panic and try some basic way to make it work. Technical malfunctions are very common in many electronic devices and are not that serious.

Most of the time, these malfunctions in the Edge CTS2 monitor are minor and can be fixed with a simple reboot and factory reset. 

Rebooting the monitor works most of the time, so there is no harm in trying it. Different monitors have different ways of rebooting. But Edge CTS2 monitor with a reboot if you keep the power button pressed for 5 to 10 seconds. 

If rebooting doesn’t fix the problem, try factory resetting the monitor. Don’t worry. You can factory reset the monitor even without the unresponsive touch. You will either need an android head unit or a USB keyboard. 

Again different model has different ways of factory resetting. Check the user manual or contact Edge’s customer care, they will provide you with the needed information.

A factory reset should solve all the minor software-related issues. And after factory resetting, if the problem is still there, then it needs an expert’s attention. 

Disconnected Ribbon Cable 

Ribbon cables are glued together in most of the touch screen monitors, and when the glue melts, the cable is separated. As a result, the touch screen doesn’t work. The most common reason why ribbon cables get disconnected is, heat melting the glue or road bumps dislocating the ribbon cable.

Whatever it is, if the ribbon cable disconnection is the issue, then it can be fixed very easily. If you have ever opened a mobile backside before, you should be able to do it on your own.

But if you are not confident, make sure to take the monitor to an expert. Even though you will be charged an amount of money, it will be worth it. 

Here is how you can do it…

  • First, gently remove the back part of the monitor. Usually, the back part is glued, but in some cases, they are screw secured as well. Whatever it is, remove the back part, and be gentle. 
  • Remove the circuit board and keep that aside. Again, you might need a screwdriver to unscrew the circuit board. 
  • Once you have removed the circuit board, you should see the ribbon cable and check if they are disconnected. 
  • If you find the ribbon cables disconnected, then with glue, attach them back where they belong. If you don’t have glue, with a lighter, heat up the ribbon cables end, the old glue will start to melt, and then you press the cable in its place. 
  • Do not put things back right after gluing the cable. Leave it open for a minute or two, and let the glue sit well. 
  • Attach the circuit board, and before attaching the back, power on the monitor. If the ribbon cable’s disconnection was the only reason, your monitor touch would work. 
  • If it doesn’t, recheck the ribbon cable connections. However, if everything seems okay, then there are other issues. 

Update the Monitor 

Whether it is an electronic device or software, it needs to be updated with time. Otherwise, the user might face some software errors. Likewise, EWdge’s monitors also need to be updated with time, and if you are using a very old version, then it is normal to have some errors. 

So if you find the monitor touch not working, it could be due to not updating the version. Attach a USB keyboard and update the monitor. If you don’t know how to update an Edge monitor, check out the user manual or contact their customer service. 

Software Errors 

It is very common in an electronic device, and software errors can make the monitor touch screen unresponsive. Such errors need to be diagnosed by professionals. So take the monitor to your nearest mechanic, who will find out the problem and come up with a solution. 

Physical Damage

Often times monitor touch screen stops working when there is a wiring problem. This problem can arise for many reasons, but the shock is the most common. When the vehicle goes over hard bumps, the monitor can get affected. The impact can remove the wirings from their place. 

When the touch screen isn’t working due to a wiring issue, it is most likely to get okay with the reconnection of wires. However, it also needs experienced hands.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I reset my edge insight CTS2?

Locate the quick link menu, press that, and then press the setting option. Scroll a little down and you should see the factory reset option. Press on that and then press yes, the monitor will be reset.

How do I connect my edge CTS2 to my computer?

All you need is a USB cable. Connect the USB to the computer and then plug the other end into the monitor, which should connect the monitor to the computer.


Probably these are the reasons why your Edge cts2 monitor touch screen not working. That being said, the issue could be something else as well. Whatever it is, when you find the screen unresponsive, reboot or reset the monitor. If that doesn’t work, take the monitor to an expert.

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