Peanut Port Vs Oval Port- Which One Should You Pick?

What is the core difference between the peanut and the oval port? Though both types of cylinder head ports are efficient, you will get more CFM with the conventional oval port compared to the peanut port. A perfect cylinder port significantly increases the horsepower and torque of any vehicle.

Peanut Port Vs Oval Port
A Quick Overview- Peanut Port Vs Oval Port

This article will let you know all the possible facts regarding Peanut port vs Oval port. Of course, the more decent the port of your internal combustion engine is, the better airflow the port can ensure. But it’s important to choose the best one to ensure minimal performance.

So, without wasting a second, let’s dive into the deep section of this article.

Peanut Port Vs Oval Port Table Comparision

Differentiate FactsPeanut PortTraditional Oval Port
AirflowBetter airflow rateImpressive airflow rate.
HorsepowerPossible horsepower of 500.Possible horsepower up to 600.
SizeSmall in size.Comparatively bigger in size.
TorqueDecent torqueAverage torque

If you’ve noticed the table above, we hope you have some knowledge about peanut and oval ports. Now, it’s time to elaborate the discussion further so that you can choose the proper one from them

Airflow Differences Between Peanut Port and Oval Port

It makes sense that the airflow factor comes to the top when discussing the cylinder head port. The fascinating fact about the two types of port heads is they are good enough to ensure airflow to the engine.

However, if we compare the two types of port heads regarding better airflow, the oval head port will come to the top of the game.

The airflow of the 236 peanut port heads is around 250 CFM, which is comparatively smaller in size. On the other hand, you can get slightly more CFM from the oval port, which is 275 CFM.

The difference in Horsepower Between Peanut Port and Oval Port

One of the main reasons porting is important is that it can add some extra horsepower to the engine. And, if you are a car enthusiast, you may want your car to run at a decent speed. 

Both the small oval port (peanut port) and the conventional oval port are impressive when it comes to generating extra horsepower. But, in some cases, the larger port head can bring more horsepower compared to the smaller port head.

So, needless to say, similar to airflow, you can have more horsepower with the conventional oval port than the peanut port. And, if the 236 peanut intake port is a triangle, you will find less horsepower than the round peanut head.

Let’s see what one of the members of the Nastyz forum said about peanut port head and oval port head.

“But they’re far surpassed by a large oval port head for horsepower production. And if you’ve got the cubes or the RPM range that requires it, few heads flow as well as a rectangular port big block head with even mild work done to them.”

Furthermore, you can generate horsepower up to 500 with the peanut port. On the other hand, it is way more possible to achieve horsepower up to 600 by installing the oval port.

Size Difference Between the Oval Port and the Peanut Port

As we presented above, the peanut intake port is bigger than the oval port. In addition, the peanut port is considered the smallest branch of the oval port. The bigger the cylinder head port is, the more it can ensure efficient performance.

Here you can check the video to discover more about peanut intake port head and oval port.

Difference of Peanut Port and Oval Port Compared to Torque

You can have a better torque with the peanut port compared to the oval port. Now, you might wonder why the conflict between the horsepower and torque regarding these cylinder head ports, right?

Though the oval port produces more horsepower, it is not as good as producing more torque. The oval port comes with a lower velocity than the peanut port, generating less torque. On the other hand, the peanut intake port has a decent velocity to produce more torque.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Is a Peanut Port?

Peanut port is one of the highly impressive and well-performing truck heads. The engine head port was introduced in the 90s and came with small oval ports. Furthermore, achieving more than 500 horsepower with the peanut port is possible.

Can You Run an Oval Port Intake on Peanut Port Heads?

You can run an oval port intake on peanut intake port heads. However, you may have to sacrifice a bit of airflow rate. Otherwise, the engine is supposed to run smoothly. Long story short, operating an oval port intake on a peanut head is possible but not ideal in all cases.

What Is the Difference Between Oval Ports and Square Port Heads?

There are multiple differentiators between the oval port and the square port. The square port is larger than the oval port in terms of size. In addition, the square port tends to generate more airflow due to the bigger port size than the oval port. However, discussing the velocity, the oval port beats the square port on a large scale.

Final Words

If you want to boost the performance of your car’s engine, choosing the right porting is always key. As far as many options are available, going with the suitable one may seem a bit challenging. But, once you have a compact knowledge about peanut port vs oval port, you will find it easy to pick the right one.

In terms of choosing the right port, could you determine what you want from it? Do you need impressive horsepower? Decent torque? Or what? However, you will find slightly more airflow CFM with the conventional oval port. And this is the port you might want to go with.

But you have the information you asked for a few minutes ago. Now, it’s your turn to select the one for your car based on your circumstances.

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