Chevy Transmission Wont Shift Into 3rd: Finding the Main Culprit

Oops! It’s the shifting problem again with your Chevy! Now it’s not shifting into 3rd and you are here. Well, there can be different reasons for this problem. However, it is fixable.

So, now you may be thinking why the chevy transmission won’t shift into 3rd?

The first reason could be low-level transmission fluid or degraded fluid. Just fill it to an adequate level or change it to fix the problem. Next, it can be related to the throttle cable. Replacing the throttle cable is a better idea. The problem can also be related to the PCM or torque converter.

I know it’s quite complex to deal with such parts of a car. That’s why a complete guide is waiting below. So, keep reading to get rid of the problem.

Chevy Transmission Wont Shift into 3rd: Quick Troubleshoot

If you want to check the guide at a glance just go through the table below. Here I’ve added the reasons and a quick solution guide.

Low-level/degraded transmission fluid1. Add fluid to an adequate level
2. Change the fluid
Issue with the TCM/PCM1. Replace the VSS
2. Fix the Speedometer
Issue with the throttle cableReplace it
Problem with the torque converterIdentify and fix issues with the pump, stator, and turbine

So far you have already got a gist of the problems and solutions. This time you’ll learn about them in detail. So, let’s move on to the main part.

Reason 1: Inadequate Or Degraded Transmission Fluid

The general function of transmission fluid is to lubricate moving parts located inside such as gear. It sounds like a function of motor oil but it’s designed for transmission. However, when the transmission fluid gets old, it starts to build up debris and dirt.

Such degraded transmission fluid can permanently damage the transmission. Besides, it can make the shifting difficult, no matter if it’s from 2nd to 3rd or others.

Solution 1: Add More Fluid

To solve the problems first, check the fluid. If your car isn’t using sealed transmission the work is easier for you. Pull out the dipstick and then read the levels. Put it back with a more accurate reading but make sure to wipe it off properly.

If you notice the levels are below the fill line or low then add some fluid.

Solution 2: Flush Or Change the Fluid

The next solution is to inspect the fluid’s condition. To do so you can just check the color of the fluid. The red-pink color indicates the fluid is all good, When it gets older it starts to turn brown. And when the condition is worse then it becomes dark brown or black.

In such a situation, it’s an emergency to change the transmission fluid.

Reason 2: Faulty PCM or TCM Fails

Another reason is if the PCM or TCM is faulty or they fail. Whenever they start to fail you can indicate it following several symptoms. Chevy transmission might not shift is one of the symptoms. You can also go into Limp mode because of this issue.

Solution: Repair the Speedometer Or Replace the VSS

The solution is pretty easy. Check out the speedometer and see whether it’s functioning or not. If it seems faulty then repair it.

If the reason is different then it must be with the VSS. Replace the VSS and it should work properly.

Reason 3: Defective Throttle Cable

If the first 2 reasons aren’t causing the shifting issue then it might be related to the throttle cable. 2005 Chevy Silverado transmission wont shift into 3rd gear is more likely because of the throttle cable.

A throttle cable with excessive slack is a hindrance to smooth shifting. Sometimes, it can entirely stall the shifting.

Solution: Repair or Replace the Throttle Cable

It’s a quite critical process to repair a throttle cable on Chevy. So, go to any professional and repair it. It should cost around $150-$250

But when it’s about bike and car throttle cables it’s not recommended to repair them. It’s okay to repair when it’s a lawnmower. But for cars, I recommend replacing it with an exact or equivalent throttle cable.

Reason 4: Issue with the Torque Converter

For automatic transmission, the torque converter is used to rotate the transmission system to move the wheels. The torque converter includes a stator, a pump, and a turbine. Issues with any of the components can be the reason for the automatic transmission not shifting into high gear.

Solution: Check out the Components And Repair

The solution is kind of self-explanatory. There you’ve to check the pump, stator, and turbine one by one. And understandable whether any or multiple parts are defective.

According to their problem, repair it. It’s better to go to any car repair shop and get help.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is shifting to a higher gear getting difficult?

The main cause of the problem is probably the transmission fluid that you’re using for a very long time. To inspect whether it’s the reason or not check the color of it. Black or dark brown color indicates it’s the main cause and time to change it. Also, inadequate level of fluid can be the reason

Is the Reason for manual and automatic transmitter shifting problems the same?

No, most of the time it is different. In the case of manual shifting, the problem can be related to the clutch master cylinder or a defective clutch. None of them are related to automatic transmission shifting. However, if the root cause is the transmission fluid then the reason can be the same for both types.

The Verdict

So you are now aware of the reasons – chevy transmission wont shift into 3rd.

The article contains the solutions to fix the problem. Though it’s mainly related to the gear shifting into the 3rd, most of the causes are also for 2nd, 4th and other gears. So, considering the situation you can apply the solution to other problems as well.

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